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11 ETH - Exponential Time Hypothesis
DAY1 6 6: Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH) (Michal Pilipczuk)
Exponential Time Hypotheses: ETH and SETH || @ CMU || Lecture 26d of CS Theory Toolkit
Algorithms for NP-Hard Problems (Section 23.5: The Exponential Time Hypothesis)
On the Usefulness of the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis
DAY3 1 14: Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH) (Daniel Marx)
Parameterized Algorithms lecture 13: Exponential Time Hypothesis
Exponential time hypothesis
Exponential-time algorithms for NP problems: prospects and limits - Andrew Drucker
On Exponential-Time Hypotheses, Derandomization, and Circuit Lower Bounds
2016 04 19 Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis
Fast Exponential-Time Algorithms for 3SAT